Christmas Party

Staff and residents enjoyed an in-house Christmas party where there was music, dancing and entertainment performed by both staff and residents. Gifts donated by Dart Global were given to the residents and staff. Bishop’s College Social Services Club donated dry rations.
Prithipura Sale

The CFS Prithipura Home held its Annual Fund Raising Sale on Wednesday, November 13, at the Lionel Wendt from 10.30 am to 6.30 pm.
Items on sale included semi-precious and ethnic jewellery, handicrafts, bags, clothes, skin care items, gift wrapping paper and bags, food, vegetables, stationery and hand made greeting cards. Christmas decorations and household goods including plastic ware were also available.

Two Piano Recital a Resounding Success
Two talented and versatile pianists, Ramya de Livera Perera and Soundarie David Rodrigo, performed a variety of works ranging from classical, jazz to fusion at a two-piano recital in aid of the Prithipura Home on 10 th October at the Lionel Wendt.
Well-known dancer, drummer and percussionist Kala Keerthi Ravibandhu Vidyapathy, along with his son Jithendra, was a special guest performer at the fundraiser event.
The programme included a sonata for two pianos by Mozart, Dave Brubeck’s ballad on a Jazz theme and a medley of Walt Disney waltzes from the movies arranged by Greg Anderson.
Audience members enjoyed the event where pianos and drums were played together to create a unique sound.
New President Elected
Dr Ruwani Jayewardene was unanimously elected as President of Ceylon Fellowship of Service (CFS) at the Annual General meeting held on March 29, 2019.
The incumbent Vice Presidents Mrs. Veena Jayasundera, Mrs. Indira Wettasinghe, Mrs. Nirmalini Kannangara and Mrs. Joan Jayamanne were re-elected.
The current Patrons Mrs. Rohini Yoheswaran, Mrs. Shanthini Perera, Brigardier Asoka Perera and Mrs. Indrani de Silva were re-elected as patrons.
Mrs. Swun-Kou Fernando was re-elected Secretary and Mrs. Devika Anthonisz was elected as Treasurer. A new position, Assistant Secretary, was filled by Mrs. Enaksha Perera.
The committee members elected were Mrs. Manel de Mel, Ms. Anoja Karunaratne, Mrs. Heather de Lanerolle, Ms. Minoli de Soysa, Professor Arundathi Kurukulasuriya and Mr. T. Someswaran.
A Successful Fundraising Sale
The CFS Prithipura Home held its annual fund raising sale on November 14, 2018 at the Lionel Wendt Memorial Art Centre from 10.30 am to 6.30 pm.
Items on sale included food, handicrafts, hand made greeting cards, shoes, clothes and semi-precious jewellery. Christmas decorations and household goods including plastic ware were also available for purchase.
For the raffle draw attractive prizes included, a pendent from Mallika Hemachandra, over night stays at boutique and star class hotels, meal vouchers at popular venues, electrical items and Christmas hampers. There was a silent auction of whisky and wine.
A Generous Donor
Colombo’s newest five star hotel, the Shangri-la Hotel, made a substantial donation to the Home to set up a sick room facility in the physiotherapy room, upgrade the housemothers’ toilets and improve the outer kitchen. The renovation work is underway.
The Ceylon Fellowship of Service (CFS) re-elects Devika Anthonisz as President for 2018/2019
Mrs. Devika Anthonisz was unanimously re-elected as President at the Annual General meeting of the CFS Prithipura Home held on April 6, 2018.
The Ceylon Fellowship of Service (CFS) elects a new President - March 31, 2017
Mrs. Devika Anthonisz, who was elected President at last year's Annual General Meeting, was unanimously re-elected to the post at the Annual General meeting of the CFS Prithipura Home held on March 31, 2017.
The incumbent Vice Presidents, Mrs. Veena Jayasundera, Mrs. Indira Wettasinghe and Mrs. Nirmalini Kannangara were re-elected while Mrs. Joan Jayamanne was elected to fill the vacancy created by the passing away of Mrs. Hermione Unamboowe last year.
Ms. Sepalika Hewavitane was elected Secretary again and Dr. Ruwani Jayewardene was elected as Treasurer.
It was noted that Mrs. Emalin Wijeratne, the Matron, would be retiring later in the year.
The Ceylon Fellowship of Service (CFS) elects a new President - 01 April, 2016
At the Annual General Meeting of the Ceylon Fellowhsip of Service held on 01 April 2016, Mrs. Indrani de Silva who served as President since 2005 handedover the reigns to Mrs. Devika Anothisz who was unanimously elected as the new president of the Fellowship. Mrs. de Silva tookover the home soon after the tsunami destroyed the home and over her tenure of 11 years together with the CFS committee and staff have made the home a haven for the residents.
Disability is not Inability
Often abandoned by their families, residents of the CFS Prithipura Home are treated with love, care and kindness despite limited resources and dire lack of awareness. Sunday Times Plus 15 Nov 2015.
Maintaining a resident costs over Rs.3,750 per month. This includes food, medical, resident's welfare and school fees. This amounts to Rs.45,000 per annum per resident on average.
We welcome donations in the form of building materials or funds towards repairing/maintenance of our cottages,which need regular upkeep.
Anyone willing to raise funds or donate please contact the Matron on +94112930447.
We welcome donations of any of these items, which are regularly needed at the home for our residents. Please feel free to contact the Matron if you are able to help us.
Nadu rice/red rice
Kadala/green gram/cow pea
Soya meat
Tin fish
Curry powder/chili powder/salt/pepper/turmeric
Milk powder
Seasonal fruit
Sunlight soap
Bar soap
Get your school, university or community group involved! Organize your own event and raise money for Prithipura Home.
For more information contact +94 112930447 or by email
Volunteer with your company or individually becoming a fundraising volunteer!
For more information contact +94112930447 or by email